Un frasco de Solgar Fórmula multivitamínica y mineral Kangavites Ponche Tropical para niños (mayores de 3 años), apta para veganos, 60 comprimidos masticables.
Kangavites Ponche Tropical Fórmula multivitamínica y mineral para niños (3+) 60 comprimidos masticables €19,63
Descripción del producto: Un suplemento dietético completo diseñado para niños Ayuda al desarrollo general Ayuda al sistema inmunitario, los huesos y la función cognitiva Kangavites Tropical Punch Fórmula multivitamínica y mineral para niños (3+) 60 comprimidos masticables de Solgar es una fórmula de comprimidos masticables multivitamínicos y minerales para niños mayores de 3 años, que proporciona amplios beneficios para la salud. Con una rica mezcla de vitaminas y minerales, este suplemento dietético favorece el desarrollo saludable y la inmunidad de los niños, a la vez que les proporciona la energía necesaria para las actividades diarias. Los comprimidos aromatizados con sabor tropical facilitan que los niños tomen el suplemento con regularidad. Kangavites Ponche Tropical aporta vitaminas clave, como vitamina C y D, y otros nutrientes esenciales para la salud ósea, la función cerebral y cognitiva, y apoya el metabolismo energético con vitaminas del grupo B. Kangavites Ponche Tropical es la elección perfecta para la salud integral y el bienestar de tu hijo. Información de la ración: Dosis: 1 comprimido masticable Cantidad por dosis Calcio (como carbonato) 64 mgVitamina C (como ascorbato sódico) 60 mgMagnesio (como óxido) 32 mgVitamina E de fuente natural (15 UI, como succinato ácido D-alfa tocoferil) 10 mgNiacina (vitamina B3, como nicotinamida) 10 mgPotasio (como cloruro potásico) 5 mgHierro (como fumarato ferroso) 2.5 mgFruta y verdura en polvo: (zanahoria, remolacha roja, fresa, manzana, brécol, albaricoque) 7 mg (56 mg en sabor Trop.)Ácido pantoténico (como D-pantotenato, calcio) 5 mgLecitina de soja en polvo 2,5 mgZinc (como óxido) 1,5 mgVitamina B6 (como piridoxina HCl) 1 mgColina (como bitartrato) 500 mcgBetacaroteno de fuente natural 1.2 mgRiboflavina (vitamina B2) 0,85 mgManganeso (como sulfato) 0,25 mgTiamina (vitamina B1, como mononitrato de tiamina) 0.75 mgBioflavonoides cítricos 150 mcgInositol 500 mcgVitamina A (como palmitato de retinol) 150 mcgExtracto en polvo de caderas de rosa (4:1) 500 mcgCobre (como gluconato) 25 mcgÁcido fólico (como ácido pterolimonoglutámico) 100 mcgD-biotina 50 mcgYodo (como yoduro potásico) 22.5 mcgSelenio (como L-selenometionina) 2,5 mcgCromo (como picolinato) 5 mcgVitamina B12 (como cianocobalamina) 3 mcgVitamina D2 (como ergocalciferol) 2,5 mcg Otros ingredientes: Agentes de carga: (sacarosa, fructosa, manitol, copos de soja, celulosa microcristalina, maltodextrina, xilitol, aceite de palma, ácidos grasos, carragenano, goma arábiga, goma xantana, almidón de guisante, fosfato dicálcico), Aromas naturales: (incluidos tropical, Prosweet, naranja), Potenciadores del sabor: (ácido cítrico, ácido málico), Antiaglomerantes: (dióxido de silicio, ácido esteárico vegetal, estearato de magnesio vegetal), goma de celulosa: Como complemento alimenticio para niños de 3 a 5 años, tomar un (1) comprimido al día, para edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los adultos, tomar dos (2) comprimidos al día, preferiblemente durante las comidas, o según las indicaciones de un profesional sanitario. No excedas las instrucciones de uso.ADVERTENCIA: Si estás tomando algún medicamento o padeces alguna enfermedad, consulta a tu médico antes de tomar este producto. Mantener fuera de la vista y del alcance de los niños. Consérvese a temperatura ambiente. No utilizar si falta el precinto exterior del frasco o está dañado. Para obtener información sobre la fecha de caducidad y el número de lote, véase el cuello del frasco. La sobredosis accidental de productos que contienen hierro es una de las principales causas de intoxicación mortal en niños menores de 6 años. MANTÉN ESTE PRODUCTO FUERA DEL ALCANCE DE LOS NIÑOS. En caso de sobredosis accidental, llama al médico. No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Un suplemento dietético no puede sustituir a una dieta variada. Sin gluten, trigo, lácteos, levadura, conservantes ni aromas artificiales.
Un frasco de Solgar Earth Source Multi Nutrient 60 Comprimidos suplemento de apoyo al sistema inmunitario, etiquetado como apto para veganos.
Earth Source Multi Nutriente 60 Comprimidos €34,59
Descripción del producto: Energía para la vida cotidiana Apoyo al sistema inmunitario Apoyo a la salud en general Tiene propiedades antioxidantes Abastece tu cuerpo con una rica mezcla de nutrientes con los 60 comprimidos Earth Source Multi Nutrient de Solgar. Este suplemento contiene una combinación de ingredientes vegetales naturales, vitaminas y minerales altamente absorbibles, así como ácidos grasos esenciales y fibra. Con vitaminas A, C, D, E y zinc, el suplemento ayuda a mantener un sistema inmunitario sano y protege contra el estrés oxidativo. El complejo vitamínico B, el hierro y el magnesio contribuyen a mantener la energía y la vitalidad a lo largo del día. Además, este suplemento proporciona nutrientes clave necesarios para apoyar la salud y el bienestar general.¡No esperes más, experimenta los beneficios de un conjunto completo de nutrientes para apoyar el funcionamiento diario de tu cuerpo! Información de la ración: Dosis: 3 comprimidos Cantidad por dosis Calcio (como carbonato, ascorbato, citrato) 250 mgVitamina C (como L-ascorbato cálcico) 1000 mgEspirulina en polvo 1000 mg Magnesio (como óxido, citrato) 128 mgAceite de linaza (linaza) en polvo 210 mg Vitamina E (250 UI, como succinato de ácido D-alfa tocoferil) 168 mg a-Bioflavonoides TECitrus 99 mgHierba de cebada en polvo 110 mg Hierba de trigo en polvo 100 mg Chlorella en polvo (como pared celular rota) 99 mg Zinc (como picolinato) 15 mgRutina 75 mg Hierro (como bisglicinato) 18 mgGinseng Siberiano (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Raíz en Polvo 50 mg Colina (como bitartrato) 21 mg Glicina 45 mgManganeso (como gluconato) 4 mgHierbas Activas Base en Polvo (Echinacea purpurea raíz, Cardo mariano [Silybum marianum] Semilla, Jengibre [Zingiber officinale] Raíz, Cayena [Capsicum frutescens] Fruto) 100 mg Riboflavina (Vitamina B2, como riboflavina y riboflavina-5-fosfato) 27.5 mgÁcido pantoténico (Vitamina B5, como D-pantotenato, calcio) 25 mgPectina de manzana 25 mg Quercetina dihidratada 25 mgFibra de avena en polvo 25 mgVitamina B12 (como cianocobalamina) 240 μgNiacina (Vitamina B3, como nicotinamida) 25 mgInositol 25 mgVitamina B6 (como piridoxina HCl) 25 mgTiamina (Vitamina B1, como mononitrato de tiamina) 25 mgBetaína HCI 20 mgBromelaína en polvo (de piña-2000 GDU/g) 20 mgDiente de ajo en polvo 10 mgComplejo de hesperidina 10 mgBetacaroteno de fuente natural 5.4 mg Lipasa 0,05 mg Amilasa 1 mgL-Glutatión 5 mgClorofila en polvo 4 mg Cobre (como gluconato) 480 μgCelulasa 0,1 mgPapaína (de papaya-2000 unidades USP/mg) 20 mg Cromo (como picolinato) 90 μgÁcido fólico (como ácido pteroilmonoglutámico) 390 μgMezcla de carotenoides 140 μgYodo (como yoduro potásico) 150 μg Otros ingredientes: Agentes de carga: (celulosa microcristalina, hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa). Antiaglomerantes: (dióxido de silicio, estearato de magnesio vegetal). Agentes de recubrimiento: (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa, glicerina vegetal (de aceite de palmiste y aceite de coco)).Uso recomendado: Como complemento alimenticio para adultos, tomar tres (3) comprimidos al día, preferiblemente con las comidas, o seguir prescripción médica. No superar las instrucciones de uso.ADVERTENCIA: No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Un suplemento dietético no puede sustituir a una dieta variada.
Una botella marrón con la etiqueta
Vitamina B12 (Cianocobalamina) 1000 mcg 250 Pepitas €39,72
Descripción del producto: Apoyo al sistema nervioso Apoyo a la producción de energía Salud cardiovascular Apoyo a la producción de glóbulos rojos Experimenta el poder de la vitamina B12 (cianocobalamina) 1000 mcg 250 Nuggets de Solgar - una vitamina crucial para la salud del sistema nervioso, ya que contribuye a la producción de mielina, la sustancia que rodea y protege los nervios. Además, esta vitamina desempeña un papel vital en la formación de glóbulos rojos, lo que es esencial para prevenir la anemia, especialmente la derivada de su carencia, que puede provocar fatiga crónica. La vitamina B12 también ayuda a convertir en energía el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono, las grasas y las proteínas, y también puede contribuir a reducir los niveles de homocisteína.No esperes más: ¡cuida de tu salud y bienestar recurriendo a este suplemento que te mantendrá saciado! Información de la ración: Tamaño de la ración: 1 pepita Cantidad por ración Vitamina B12 (como cianocobalamina) 1000 mcg Otros ingredientes: Manitol, ácido esteárico vegetal, celulosa vegetal, sabor natural de cereza con aromas naturales, estearato de magnesio vegetal.Uso sugerido: Como suplemento dietético para adultos, tomar una (1) pepita al día, preferiblemente con una comida o según las indicaciones de un profesional de la salud; colocar entre la mejilla y la encía, debajo de la lengua (sublingual) o masticar.ADVERTENCIA: Si estás embarazada, en período de lactancia, tomas algún medicamento o tienes algún problema médico, consulta a tu profesional de la salud antes de tomar cualquier suplemento dietético. Interrumpe su uso y consulta a tu médico si se produce alguna reacción adversa. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente. No utilizar si falta el precinto exterior del frasco o está dañado. No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Un suplemento dietético no puede sustituir a una dieta variada. Sin gluten, trigo, levadura, azúcar, sal, aromas artificiales, colorantes artificiales
Brown bottle labeled
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 55 mcg (2,200 IU) 100 Vegetable Capsules €30,26
Product description: Support for bone and tooth health Support for muscle function Support for the immune system Positive effects on mood and mental health Boost your body's health and energy with Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 55 mcg (2,200 IU) 100 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar! Known as the 'sunshine vitamin', D3 is crucial in supporting immunity and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It is a reliable support for your body, especially when you need extra vitamins. Vitamin D3 is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are key for strong bones and healthy teeth. It also maintains normal muscle function, which is important for both daily activity and general fitness. In addition, D3 plays an important role in regulating the immune system.Take care of your health with vitamin D3 for an immune boost and a daily dose of energy! Invest in your health today! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Vegetable Capsule Amount Per Serving Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 55 mcg (2,200 IU) Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) vegetable capsule daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors
A bottle of Solgar Vitamin B6 50 mg 100 Tablets dietary supplement. The label indicates it is gluten, wheat, and dairy free with 100 tablets per bottle. Vitamin B6 supports the immune system and metabolism for overall well-being.
Vitamin B6 50 mg 100 Tablets €13,03
Product description: Support for metabolism Health of the nervous system Support for the immune system Now you can enrich your diet with an ingredient that supports health and vitality - Vitamin B6 50 mg 100 Tablets from Solgar! When you invest in Vitamin B6, you gain well-being and energy on a daily basis. Vitamin B6 is crucial for the normal metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, converting food into energy. It supports the functioning of the nervous system by participating in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which has a positive effect on mood and cognitive abilities. In addition, Vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system by supporting the production of lymphocytes, which are key in defending against infections.Discover the power of Vitamin B6 and join those who rely on health and natural support for the body.Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Tablet Amount Per Serving Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 55 mcg (2,200 IU) Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Vegetable Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) vegetable capsule daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors
Una botella marrón con la etiqueta
Double Strength Omega-3 700 mg 60 Softgels €45,02
Product description: Support for heart health Positive effects on brain health and cognitive function Helps maintain healthy vision Has anti-inflammatory properties Discover the amazing benefits of Double Strength Omega-3 700 mg 60 Softgels supplement from Solgar! With carefully selected ingredients such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), our supplement provides comprehensive support for your body. Omega-3 helps regulate blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which benefits heart health. DHA is a key component of the brain, supporting cognitive function, memory and concentration. DHA is also an essential component of the retina, helping to maintain healthy vision. Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.Invest in your health with our Omega-3 capsules and feel the difference today! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Calories 15     Calories from Fat 5     Total Fat 1 gCholesterol 5 mgTotal Omega 3 Polyunsaturates† 700 mg providing:          EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 360 mgDHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 240 mg Other Ingredients: Fish Oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Mixed Tocopherols. Contains fish (anchovy, mackerel, sardine).Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take one (1) softgel three times daily, preferably with a meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any dietary supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing, torn or damaged in any way. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Sugar, Salt, Artificial Flavors, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors †As Natural Triglycerides
Una botella marrón con la etiqueta
Vitamina E seca con selenio sin levadura 100 cápsulas vegetales €37,91
Descripción del producto: Ayuda al sistema inmunitario Potentes propiedades antioxidantes Ayuda a la salud del corazón y de la piel Presentamos Vitamina E seca con selenio sin levadura 100 cápsulas vegetales de Solgar, que ofrece numerosos beneficios para la salud gracias a la combinación de vitamina E y selenio. Se trata de una excelente adición a tu rutina diaria de salud y también es apta para veganos gracias a su fórmula de origen vegetal. La vitamina E y el selenio son potentes antioxidantes que protegen las células del daño de los radicales libres, favoreciendo la salud celular. La vitamina E hidrata y protege la piel, ayudando a mantener un aspecto sano y flexible. Ambas sustancias desempeñan un papel clave en el fortalecimiento del sistema inmunitario, ayudando al organismo a combatir infecciones y enfermedades. ¡Pídelo ahora y descubre cómo la vitamina E con selenio puede mejorar tu salud! Información de la ración: Dosis: 2 cápsulas vegetales Cantidad por dosis Vitamina E (como d - succinato de alfa tocoferilo) 500 IUSelenio (como L-selenometionina) 150 mcg Otros ingredientes: Celulosa microcristalina, celulosa vegetal, estearato de magnesio vegetal, sílice.Uso recomendado: Como suplemento dietético para adultos, toma dos (2) cápsulas vegetales al día, preferiblemente con una comida o según las indicaciones de un profesional de la salud.ADVERTENCIA: Si estás embarazada, en período de lactancia, tomas algún medicamento, estás planeando una intervención médica o quirúrgica o padeces alguna enfermedad, consulta a tu médico antes de tomar cualquier suplemento dietético. Interrumpe su uso y consulta a tu médico si se produce alguna reacción adversa. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Conservar a temperatura ambiente. No utilizar si falta el precinto exterior del frasco o está dañado. No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Un suplemento dietético no puede sustituir a una dieta variada. Sin gluten, trigo, levadura, azúcar, sal, aromas artificiales, edulcorantes artificiales ni colorantes artificiales.
A bottle of Solgar Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels, enriched with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA, DHA, vitamins A and D3. The label highlights that it's sugar, salt, and starch free. Contains 60 softgels.
Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels €22,35
Product description: Support for heart and brain health Support for the immune system Positive effects on eye, skin, bone and dental health Discover the unique benefits of Super Cod Liver Oil Complex 60 Softgels from Solgar! This excellent dietary supplement provides your body with a concentrated dose of valuable nutrients. It contains cod liver oil, vitamin D3 and Omega-3 fatty acids, providing comprehensive care from the inside out. What benefits does Super Cod Liver Oil Complex offer? Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, help maintain normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which supports cardiovascular health. DHA is a key component of the brain, supporting memory, concentration and cognitive function. Vitamin A and DHA are essential for eye health, helping to maintain normal vision. Vitamin D found in Tran supports the immune system, helping the body fight infection. In addition, vitamin D is crucial for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, helping to maintain strong and healthy bones.Take care of your health today with Super Cod Liver Oil Complex! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 202 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 185 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 906 µg RE (3021 IU)Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 25 µg (1020 IU) From:Cod Liver Oil 1250 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 130 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 119 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 375 µg RE (1250 IU)Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 3 µg (125 IU)Marine Concentrate (from Anchovies, Herring, Mackerel, Sardines) 180 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 68 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 29 mgDHA Concentrate (from tuna) 79 mg Providing:Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 4 mgDocosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 37 mgVitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 531 µg RE (1771 IU)Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 22 µg (895 IU) Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule Shell: gelatin (from bovine), vegetable glycerin (from palm kernel oil and coconut oil). Antioxidant: mixed tocopherols.Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) softgel daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed directions for use.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, including blood thinners, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information see neck of bottle. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Preservatives, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours
A clear glass bottle labeled
Vitamin E 671 mg (1000 IU) 50 Softgels €45,63
Product description: Powerful antioxidant properties Support for skin and heart health Positive effects on the immune system Enrich your daily routine with the dietary supplement Vitamin E 671 mg (1000 IU) 50 Softgels from Solgar! Thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E has many health benefits, supporting a variety of bodily functions. Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage. It supports the health of the skin, helping to keep it hydrated, supple and protecting it from the damaging effects of UV rays and other environmental factors. It can also support wound healing. Vitamin E supports heart health by helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels and supporting cardiovascular function. In addition, it plays an important role in the immune system, supporting the production and function of immune cells. Discover the natural power in your body and choose vitamin E today!vit Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Vitamin E (1000 IU as D-alpha tocopherol) 671 mgMixed tocopherols (D-beta, D-gamma, D-delta, D-alpha tocopherols) 44.5 mg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule Shell: gelatin (from bovine), vegetable glycerin (from palm kernel oil and coconut oil). Bulking Agents: vegetable oil, safflower oil.Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) softgel daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed directions for use. WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, planning any medical or surgical procedure or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information see neck of bottle. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Preservatives, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours or Colours.
Un frasco de Solgar Vitamina E 268 mg (400 UI) 50 Cápsulas blandas ayuda a tu sistema inmunitario con propiedades antioxidantes. El frasco transparente con etiqueta y tapa doradas indica que no contiene azúcar, sal ni almidón.
Vitamina E 268 mg (400 UI) 50 cápsulas blandas €26,30
Descripción del producto: Potentes propiedades antioxidantes Ayuda a la salud de la piel y el corazón Efectos positivos sobre el sistema inmunitario ¡Enriquece tu rutina diaria con el suplemento dietético Vitamina E 268 mg (400 UI) 50 cápsulas blandas de Solgar! Gracias a sus propiedades antioxidantes, la vitamina E tiene muchos beneficios para la salud, apoyando diversas funciones corporales. La vitamina E actúa como un potente antioxidante, protegiendo las células del daño causado por los radicales libres. Favorece la salud de la piel, ayudando a mantenerla hidratada y flexible y protegiéndola de los efectos dañinos de los rayos UV y otros factores medioambientales. También puede contribuir a la cicatrización de heridas. La vitamina E contribuye a la salud del corazón ayudando a mantener niveles normales de colesterol y a la función cardiovascular. Además, desempeña un papel importante en el sistema inmunitario, favoreciendo la producción y la función de las células inmunitarias. ¡Descubre el poder natural de tu cuerpo y elige hoy la vitamina E! Información de la ración: Dosis: 1 cápsula blanda Cantidad por dosis Vitamina E (400 UI como D-alfa tocoferol) 268 mgTocoferoles mixtos (D-beta, D-gamma, D-delta, D-alfa tocoferoles) 18,5 mg Otros ingredientes: Cápsula de gelatina blanda: gelatina (de bovino), glicerina vegetal (de aceite de palmiste y aceite de coco). Agentes de carga: aceite de cártamo, aceite vegetal: Como complemento alimenticio para adultos, una (1) cápsula de gelatina blanda al día, preferiblemente con las comidas, o según prescripción médica. No excedas las instrucciones de uso. ADVERTENCIA: Si estás embarazada, en período de lactancia, tomas algún medicamento, estás planeando una intervención médica o quirúrgica o padeces alguna enfermedad, consulta a tu médico antes de tomar este producto. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Consérvese a temperatura ambiente. No utilizar si falta el precinto exterior del frasco o está dañado. Para obtener información sobre la fecha de caducidad y el número de lote, véase el cuello del frasco. No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Un suplemento dietético no puede sustituir a una dieta variada.
A bottle of Solgar Soya Lecithin 1360 mg 180 Softgels. Perfect for supporting brain health and heart function, the label indicates it is sugar and starch free, making it an excellent food supplement.
Soya Lecithin 1360 mg 180 Softgels €42,65
Product description: Support for brain health and cognitive function Positive effects on the liver Support for heart function Introducing Soya Lecithin 1360 mg 180 Softgels from Solgar - the perfect support for your body! Soy Lecithin is a natural source of phospholipids that support brain function and regulate cholesterol levels. What are the benefits of soya lecithin? Soy lecithin is rich in choline, which is essential for the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which supports memory, concentration and cognitive function. Choline supports normal liver function by helping to metabolise fats and preventing liver steatosis. Soy lecithin can also lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, which benefits heart health. In addition, the phospholipids in lecithin are key to the structure and function of cell membranes, including nerve cells, supporting nervous system health.Don't delay - choose soy lecithin capsules and take charge of your health now! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Softgel Amount Per Serving Soya Lecithin 1360 mg Other Ingredients: Softgel Capsule Shell: gelatin (from bovine), water, vegetable glycerin (from palm kernel oil and coconut oil).Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) softgel, up to six times daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed directions for use. WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if outer bottle seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information see neck of bottle. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Preservatives, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours or Colours.
A box and a bottle of Solgar Advanced Acidophilus 50 Vegetable Capsules, part of the Enhanced Series, contain probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus to support intestinal function. Suitable for vegans and starch-free, each container offers 50 capsules.
Advanced Acidophilus 50 Vegetable Capsules €18,44
Product description: Support for intestinal function Positive effects on the immune system Advanced Acidophilus 50 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar is a dietary supplement containing probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, specifically formulated to support your health and daily wellness. Thanks to its probiotic bacteria cultures, Advanced Acidophilus not only helps to maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, but also has a positive impact on the functioning of the digestive system. Lactobacillus acidophilus supports a healthy intestinal flora, which can improve digestion and nutrient absorption. It also helps to balance the gut microbiome, which is crucial for a healthy digestive system. Probiotics can also support the immune system, helping to fight pathogens and reducing the risk of infection. Don't delay - try Advanced Acidophilus today and benefit from its beneficial effects on your body! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Vegetable Capsule Amount Per Serving Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5® 500 million microorganisms Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin; bulking agents: microcrystalline cellulose, sodium alginate; live bacterial cultures; anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate; sucrose; acidity regulator: sodium ascorbate). Vegetable capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) to two (2) vegetable capsules daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed directions for use.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. It is recommended that you keep the product in its original container and in a cool, dry place. Making sure the packaging is tightly sealed helps protect the integrity of the product. Do not use if inner seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information, see bottom of carton. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute  for a varied diet. LA-5® is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Soya, Yeast, Preservatives, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours or Artificial Colours.
A glass bottle containing Solgar NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) 600 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules, suitable for vegans. The label is gold with black text. NAC is known for supporting liver health and its antioxidant properties.
NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) 600 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules €36,64
Product description: Is a precursor of glutathione Has strong antioxidant properties Supports liver and skin health Discover the power of NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) 600 mg 60 Vegetable Capsules from Solgar! NAC is a form of the amino acid cysteine. Known for its many health benefits, it is ideal for those who are concerned about their health and well-being. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, one of the body's most important antioxidants, which helps protect cells from free radical damage. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, NAC supports the immune system, helping to fight infection and disease. NAC is also a support for liver health - helping to detoxify and remove toxins from the body. The cysteine provided by NAC is a key ingredient for the production of keratin, which is responsible for maintaining skin structure, strength and elasticity. Reach for N-acetyl-L-cysteine and feel the difference! Serving Information: Serving Size: 1 Vegetable Capsule Amount Per Serving N-Acetyl Cysteine (Free Form) 600 mg Other Ingredients: Vegetable Capsule Shell (hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose), Anti-caking Agents (silicon dioxide, vegetable magnesium stearate).Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, one (1) vegetable capsule daily, with juice or water and with a carbohydrate meal, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. It is recommended that you keep the product in its original container and in a cool, dry place. Making sure the packaging is tightly sealed helps protect the integrity of the product. Do not use if inner seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information, see bottom of carton. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute  for a varied diet.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Soya, Yeast, Preservatives, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours or Colours.
A bottle of Solgar Prenatal Nutrients 60 Tablets, designed as a multivitamin and mineral formula for pregnant and lactating women to support maternal health and foetal development.
Prenatal Nutrients 60 Tablets €16,59
Product description: Support for maternal and child health Healthy development of the nervous system Support for the immune system Every mum-to-be deserves the best care, which is why we offer the Prenatal Nutrients 60 Tablets supplement from Solgar, rich in essential nutrients for you and your growing baby. It's a carefully balanced blend of vitamins and minerals, designed with your health and the health of your little one in mind. Prenatal Nutrients provides key vitamins and minerals to support healthy foetal development and maternal wellbeing. The folic acid in the supplement is essential for the normal development of the baby's nervous system. Iron and vitamin B12 support the production of red blood cells, and B vitamins support metabolism and the conversion of food into energy, which helps to maintain energy and reduce fatigue.Take care of yourself and your baby with the best support Prenatal Nutrients has to offer! Serving Information: Serving Size: 2 Tablets Amount Per Serving Calcium (as carbonate, citrate) 652 mgMagnesium (as oxide, citrate) 227 mgSoya Protein Isolate/Amino Acid Blend (L-glutamic acid, L-arginine, L-aspartic acid, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-proline, L-serine, L-threonine, L-alanine, L-phenylalanine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-histidine, L-tyrosine, L-threonine, L-cysteine, L-methionine, L-tryptophan, L-cystine) 80 mgIron (as bisglycinate) 14 mgVitamin C (as L-Ascorbic acid) 50 mgVitamin E (15 IU, as D-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate) 10 mg Zinc (as oxide, bisglycinate**) 7.5 mgNiacin (Vitamin B3, as nicotinamide) 10 mgL-Aspartic Acid 10 mgGlycine 10 mgCopper (as gluconate, bisglycinate**) 1000 μgPantothenic Acid (as D-Pantothenate, calcium) 5 mgInositol 5 mgCholine (as bitartrate) 2 mgManganese (as bisglycinate**, gluconate) 0.5 mgNatural Source Beta-carotene 1.8 mgVitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 1.25 mgCarotenoid Mix 4.8 μgThiamin (Vitamin B1, as thiamin mononitrate) 0.85 mgRiboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.85 mgFolic Acid (as pteroylmonoglutamic acid) 200 μgD-biotin 150 μgChromium (as picolinate) 12.5 μg Iodine (as potassium iodide) 75 μgSelenium (as L-selenomethionine) 12.5 μg Vitamin D(200 IU, as ergocalciferol) 25 μgVitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 4 μg Other Ingredients: Bulking Agents: microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, dicalcium phosphate. Anti-caking Agents: vegetable stearic acid, vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Glazing Agents: hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, vegetable glycerin (from palm kernel oil and coconut oil). Cellulose Gum.Suggested Use: As a food supplement for adults, two (2) tablets daily, preferably at mealtime, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. Keep out of reach of children. It is recommended that you keep the product in its original container and in a cool, dry place. Making sure the packaging is tightly sealed helps protect the integrity of the product. Do not use if inner seal is missing or damaged. For Best Before End and Batch No. information, see bottom of carton. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute  for a varied diet. Ferrochel® is a trademark of Balchem Corp. or Albion Labs.Free of Gluten, Wheat, Dairy, Yeast, Preservatives, Artificial Flavours or Colours.
Una botella verde con la etiqueta
Shark Cartilage 750 mg 250 Capsules €38,82
Product description: Support for joint health Support for connective tissue health Support for the immune system Shark Cartilage 750 mg 250 Capsules from Swanson supports the maintenance of physical performance and joint health. It is rich in proteins, minerals (including calcium and phosphorus), carbohydrates and mucopolysaccharides such as chondroitin. Due to its high content of mucopolysaccharides, such as chondroitin, it can support joint health and proper function. Additionally, it can strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fight infection and disease. The ingredients in shark cartilage can also support connective tissue health, which is key to the integrity of cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Now is your chance to improve your health and increase your movement comfort in a simple way - choose shark cartilage! Serving Information: Serving Size: 3 Capsules Amount Per Serving Calories 5     Protein 1 g     Shark Cartilage 2.25 g Other Ingredients: Gelatin, magnesium stearate, rice flour.Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take three capsules three times per day with water or as recommended by your healthcare provider.WARNING: For adults only. Consult your healthcare provider prior to using this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication, under 18 years of age or have a medical condition. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place. A dietary supplement cannot be a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose.